China Existing Chemical Inventory - IECSC
Chinese Chemical Inventory of Existing Chemical Substances is IECSC, which stands for the Inventory of Existing Chemical Substances Produced or Imported in China (IECSC).
There are 45612 substances in IECSC(2013). Chinese government updated this inventory on 31 Jan 2013. The full list can be downloaded here in pdf format.
You can also search if your substance is listed in IECSC(2013) by using CIRS's free Chinese Chemical Inventory Search System (CCISS).
There are 3270 substances in the confidential section of IECSC(2013). They are shown in category names. No CAS number or molecular structure is given for those confidential substances. Companies have to submit a formal enquiry to CRC to check whether a substance is listed in the confidential section of IECSC or not. CRC usually issues a letter of confirmation within 2 weeks after an enquiry is submitted.
The enquiry costs 600 RMB(~100 USD) from 1st Jan 2013.
For substances that are not included in online IECSC data base, CIRS offers free enquiry service to confirm with CRC whether the substance has been listed in the confidential section of IECSC. This offer is limited to one substance per company only. More information about our free Chinese chemical inventory search service, please click here.
24 April 2014, China MEP has issued the 5th batch of China new chemical substance notifications to be approved in 2014 for public consultations. This batch includes 8 high-tonnage new chemical substances, among which 4 have been prepared and submitted by CIRS.
Up to date, approximately 20% of typical notifications of new substances (>1t/y) approved in China have been prepared by CIRS since MEP Order No.7 came into force in Oct 2010, making CIRS a true global leader of China REACH compliance services.
About Us
Initially set up by China Inspection and Quarantine(CIQ) Bureau in 2007 to provide REACH compliance services to Chinese chemical industry, CIRS has grown to be a leading provider of comprehensive chemical compliance services for companies doing businesses in/with China.
Our services cover new substance notification, registration of the import and export of toxic chemicals, registration of hazardous chemicals, classification and labeling in according to China GHS, Chinese SDS, risk assessment of industrial chemicals, food additives and cosmetic ingredients. We provide one-stop solutions to your regulatory issues in China. We also deliver the most up-to-date regulatory information about chemical control laws in China.