ECHA advises companies to check their company information in REACH-IT, as a new version of REACH-IT is due to be released.
17 Oct 2012, This week ECHA have announced some of the details surrounding the latest update to REACH-IT. The latest feature, to be unveiled in November, allows increased transparency to all registrants and aims to help both the existing and potential registrants to better fulfil their data sharing and joint submission obligations. The latest REACH-IT version, will allow registrants to see a list of the legal entities that have received an inquiry or registration number for the same substance. Meanwhile the Co-Registrants page will provide real time information on the identity, the contact details of other registrants and their role in the joint submission. Data requested after a tonnage update or during the inquiry process, will also be displayed.
As a result the extra transparency associated with this new feature, ECHA has recommended that existing and potential registrants, or legal entities that have undergone the inquiry process, check the information they have submitted in their dossiers to avoid unexpected disclosure of information.
Further information on compliance with EU REACH regulation and the accompanying REACH registration or inquiry process, is available on
Meanwhile, for further advice concerning this REACH-IT modification, assistance with general REACH registration / inquiry process or submitting a spontaneous update to an existing registration dossier before the end of November 2012, contact
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