ECHA Publishes Company Names & Registration Numbers
28 Nov 2012, ECHA has published company names and registration numbers from REACH registration dossiers. Approximately 26 000 company names and registration numbers are published. At the same time, the search function has been extended. Companies now can easily search registrant's name by substance or search the list of substances registered by one registrant.
It shall be noted that not all registrants' names have been published. The remaining company names for a minority of the registration dossiers will be published over the coming months. These include company names from dossiers submitted at the end of October which are still being processed; certain ‘Only Representative' dossiers where the registrant has opted for publication of the supplier name and ECHA is awaiting confirmation of consent from the supplier; and the NONS dossiers for which the registration number was requested but for which dossiers have not been updated under REACH.
For more information, please contact Ms Louise Halpin(
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