ECHA makes available REACH Registration Statistics as the May 2013 REACH registration transitional deadline approaches.
3 October 2012- The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has begun publishing statistics detailing the origin and types of REACH registration dossiers that they have received. This is a direct response from ECHA to stakeholders who have enquired about the progress of registrations and it is hoped it will help improve understanding and transparency of registration activity so far. This statistics will be updated on a continual basis.
The published data includes:
- current number of registrations and registered substances (phase-in, non phase-in);
- number of substances notified to Member State competent authorities under the previous European chemicals legislation (Directive 67/548/EEC) and their current status under REACH;
- the number of registrations by:
- registration type (full registration or intermediate registration);
- joint submissions or individual submissions;
- company role in the supply chain;
- organisation size
- EU/EEA countries.
- most frequently registered substances;
- registered substances by total tonnage band.
This information can be found on the ECHA website or by following the link below,
On further analysis, some interesting findings can be deduced. For example, in terms of regions, the most chemical registrations submitted to ECHA overall have come out of Germany, in fact, over twice as many registrations as the United Kingdom. Smaller countries such as Liechtenstein have submitted the least amount. The most frequently registered substances include Calcium dihydroxide, Ethylene oxide, and Ethanol. Meanwhile, other substances identified by industry for registration by 31 May 2013 can be found on the REACH 2013 campaign page.
More information on REACH and the registration process involved for the 2013 transitional deadline can be found below:
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